aiLake.3MDER – Metering, Modeling and Management For Distributed Energy Resources

Solutions (plans)

Currently, there are three plans for three types of customers:

  • customers that monitor, manage and optimise their own consumption, including cogeneration and storage (industrial and public areas/buildings) aiLake.3mDER.PROSUMER
  • ESCO (Energy Services Companies) that provide these services for them – aiLake.3mDER.ESCO
  • Companies that meter consumptions of commercial consumers(customers) for billing purposes, as a part of utility companies (Distribution Service Operators – DSOs) or as a service for such companies (metering/billing providers) –aiLake.3mDER.DSO

These three plans can be combined, enabling their users to provide full set of services for modern Smart Grids.

The solution is implemented using .NET technology and Azure services, in cloud and/or edge versions and is easy to customize according to customer needs. This customization can be done by Matrix99 or the customers themselves, using standard technologies.

Main technologies used are:

  • Front end (portal) – Power App
  • Power Automation for collection of usage and generation meter data and events
  • Insights, both technical and business – Power BI
  • ML/AI predictions – Azure Synapse/Power BI
  • Integration with technical applications: DTWIN<-> CIM
  • Integration with business applications: DTWIN <-> CDM entities
  • Integration with resources (building) management systems DTWIN <-> BIM entities

Metering package – is the base for the solution is both at the consumption side and production side. The main metering protocols are supported (MODBUS (serial and IP), SunSpec Alliance, DLMS, M-BUS (Wired and Wireless), IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-101, 104, OCPP, KNX, SNMP, AMQP, MQTT, REST/JSON)

Extract – Transform – Load (ETL) software that detect missing data (and interpolate them), eliminate duplicate measurements are part of the basic package. Part of this package are also different analyses and predictions of consumption/production (comparations inside time frames, trends…)

These packages bring functionality of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Metering Data Managment System (MDMS) and can extend them with MI/AL based on the BigData.

Modeling package – based on historical metering and third party data (e.g. weather), system models and predicts future prosumptions (production and consumptions) scenarios.

Management package – based on predictions and constrains defined, system monitors and manage interaction between consumption and production of energy

Optional packages are: Financial package: financial aspects: costs, billing, invoicing, planning, prices calculations…), Rating (price calculation based on customers plans for billing and metering providers), Extended consumption/production management package that enable automation of the prosumption optimization processes – from sending SMSs and e-mails to human operators to managing complex scenarios of interaction of consuming and generating intelligent devices.

If you need complete solution (hardware – meters, batteries, solar panels), we can recommend partners that can provide you with meters and consulting services for consumption optimization.